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Minneapolis - 31/3/01

Before the Gig

Up at 8. Iron creases out face fallen asleep on again. Sleepwalk into the van. Stop for coffee half a mile down the road. Get on the interstate (that's when it's too late to turn back). Do an idiot check and realise I've left major stuff in my hotel room again (this time it's the digital camera and minidisc) ..... life on the road has its patterns "Er, guys, hello, it's me again. Remember yesterday ..... " etc. etc. Meanwhile, de Witt decides we need a new set list and should do Destroy You near the end and shouldn't start with Sideways ....

Wonder if we're swimming with the dolphins again today? Somehow, I think not, Chicago will be as far as they come ......

I smuggle de Witt's set list (along with Paul's) into Robyn's hand as we arrive at the gig and he and the others are leaving for a meal ..... meanwhile, the REAL MR KENNEDY is here, working on the door and this is what he looks like, we warn him he will be famous ..... its about 7.45 Robyn when and the others come back a say that de Witt's set list is OK. It will be a change - it starts with new songs like Connected and Pulse and ends with Destroy You and doesn't have Jealous until the second encore if we do one ......

Now John Wesley Harding is on stage and sounding great and Mark Perlman, bass player from the Jayhawks, is here backstage - s'funny that, we were playing their CD in the van today and it was also sounding great, and Linda Pitmon who drums with Steve Wynn is here too ...... Mark admitted he does the Jayhawks tour diary ......

The Gig

Seems fine, but not totally special. I'm a bit disconnected because my sound has been a bit weird last couple of gigs. Don't know why. There's a girl in front of me all gig and I try to get her to smile, and I think I do once but not after that. It's shy vs. shy really. De Witt's set list is pretty well received and the final encores (Train Round the Bend, Astronomy Domine and Airscape) are great. We managed to rest Jealous, which was nice. And I was wrong about the dolphins. Incredibly, they made it - I saw the jesus candle girl again. Hope she makes it to Seattle because that will be a great gig.

After the Gig

Gary, the Jayhawks singer, is backstage chatting with Robyn and Michèle. Meanwhile, in the van on the way home I discover two things (a) Kimberley has a sore throat and (b) he is the only person I know who's voice sounds CLEARER with a sore throat. It is airport and Seattle tomorrow, which I'm looking forward to. I need to catch up with some of this TD stuff.

— Matthew

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